
REACH featured in in-cumbria magazine

Viridian working in partnership with Cumbrian firm Createc, based in Cockermouth

  • Posted On: 9 March 2020
REACH featured in in-cumbria magazine

An innovative approach to remotely access hard-to-reach areas to locate and take samples of hazardous nuclear waste is set to be demonstrated for the first time next month. Viridian is working with Createc and UKAEA’s Remote Applications in Challenging Environments in the UKRI Innovate UK REACH Project to develop the tools. Read more on the link to “in-cumbria”.

ViridiScope featured in a special issue of an international nuclear publication

We were delighted when the editor of Nuclear Engineering International offered to feature ViridiScope in its February edition

  • Posted On: 17 February 2020
ViridiScope featured in a special issue of an international nuclear publication The article is featured under “Decontamination and Decommissioning: Scope for laser sampling”; it describes in detail how we came to develop the tool and its successful application on nuclear sites. The two-page spread covers the tool’s capabilities in a variety of applications plus a description of in situ counting with portable radiometric devices. The publication is designed to coincide with the WM2020 radwaste management symposia to be held in March in Phoenix. There...

Kym describes our capabilities to Cavendish Nuclear

We were invited to present to staff from Cavendish Nuclear in one of their West Cumbrian offices

  • Posted On: 21 January 2020
Kym describes our capabilities to Cavendish Nuclear We described how Viridian can save time and money with in situ techniques for characterisation, while improving safety to personnel using remote deployment to reach inaccessible areas and those places where access is restricted because of high activity.  It is always a pleasure to discuss technical issues with technical experts in the sector and these guys have been in the business a long time. To quote their website, “Cavendish Nuclear – people who innovate to deliver...

The REACH project is almost ready for demonstration

The unit is designed to pass through a standard 15 cm nuclear cell penetration

  • Posted On: 17 December 2019
The REACH project is almost ready for demonstration The two nuclear characterisation instruments developed in the REACH project have somewhat different deployment requirements; the ViridiScope is relatively light laser sampling head that requires physical contact to take samples, while the Createc N-Visage system is significantly heavier, but does not require physical contact. However, they both target characterisation with remote deployment. ViridiScope has been reduced in size to permit it to be deployed in pipes and voids as small as 15 cm...

Quigley Design and Viridian Consultants Take End-Use Additive Manufacturing all the Way to the TCT Awards

Well we didn't win the TCT Award but Materialise NV have done a nice feature on the project

  • Posted On: 2 October 2019
Quigley Design and Viridian Consultants Take End-Use Additive Manufacturing all the Way to the TCT Awards When a nuclear facility is shut down, a painstaking process is initiated to dismantle the facility and clean up any remaining nuclear material so it no longer poses a threat to safety. This process requires a lot of sampling to determine the radiation levels contained within various materials at a site and traditional methods are very labour- and time-intensive. Viridian Consultants – experts in instrumentation solutions for the nuclear sector – saw an opportunity to improve this...

