
Successful start – despite the weather!

Our first deployment, on a decommissioning nuclear power reactor, began this month after delay due to snow at the end of 2017.

  • Posted On: 9 February 2018
Successful start – despite the weather! Since we were mainly working outside with the site contractors, we were hampered by rain and 60 mph winds. In three weeks we were only able to use ViridiScope on a couple of days. However, we will be back in March to continue, when we hope the weather will have improved!

We're on our way!

The time has finally arrived and we are beginning to transport ViridiScope to the nuclear sites participating in our Innovate UK 'First of a Kind deployment' project.

  • Posted On: 8 January 2018
We're on our way!

We have been preparing for this day since June last year when we heard that we had won a million pound contract to deploy ViridiScope on five nuclear sites. The aim is to demonstrate that our innovative sampling tool is fit for purpose and can operate within a real-world, user-facing project with the performance needed for the various applications. In addition to constructing five sets of equipment for sampling and in situ analysis at sites across the UK, we have been busy providing the SLCs with the necessary paperwork to allow us and our equipment onto site. It's not surprising we are excited by the prospect of finally getting down to work!

Viridian's day in the Innovation Zone!

We needed an extra big van to transport our equipment to the NDA Decommissioning Supply Chain Event on 2nd November.

  • Posted On: 3 November 2017
Viridian's day in the Innovation Zone!

It was an excellent opportunity to feature ViridiScan, our most powerful tool for in situ characterisation of contaminated surfaces, as well as catching up with old friends and making new contacts.
Our stand in the Innovation Zone attracted plenty of visitors to see how, by collecting material from a contaminated surface with ViridiScope and analysing it by mass spectrometry, very sensitive simultaneous measurement can be made for a wide range of radionuclides and stable elements in a matter of minutes.
The trip to Manchester tested the robustness of the equipment and we are pleased to report that the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was operating as soon as it returned to the workshop.

An unexpected journey towards innovation

Kym says 'What I’ve learned is that to become a successful innovator, you don’t need to know your path from the start.'

  • Posted On: 23 October 2017
An unexpected journey towards innovation
'What you do need to do is realise when there’s an opportunity, and make sure you take it.'
Read about how Kym became an award-winning entreprenuer in the Innovate UK blog - see link below.

'There isn’t one route towards any particular profession, so individuals shouldn’t feel tied to their path, or put off if things don’t work out. I’m a professor working on changing the way the UK works in the nuclear decommissioning space by making it faster, cheaper and more efficient – but few would imagine how this journey began.'

Innovate UK photoshoot at Viridian's workshop

Everything stopped at the workshop in North Wales to watch a professional photographer at work.

  • Posted On: 8 September 2017
Innovate UK photoshoot at Viridian's workshop We were delighted when Innovate UK said they wanted to feature us in their 10th anniversary brochure as one of their 'ones to watch'. They were particularly looking for an in-action shot of what we do in the field and our MD, Kym Jarvis, found herself posing in the workshop and out in the Welsh countryside.
Kym is looking forward to attending the anniversay celebrations in London next week.

